
  • Simplistic in product yet endless in creativity, let your imagination run afar with 50cm tall display piece. This frame can be dressed in flowers or draped in lush fabrics. Because of its height it is best suited for not only tables but also along the aisle and alter.Th
  • Take advantage of this versatile clear acrylic stand which can be used in multiple different settings from floral arrangements, vases, to candle setting. Due to its height this can be featured on tables adding a sense of grandeur and along aisle and alters. 80 cm tall.
  • The 90cm (diameter Infinite is simply a circular frame, the smaller sibling of the larger structure seen in our 'Grand Designs Collections'  the variations of designs are endless, whether thats in conjunction with flowers, balloons or both. Due to its light yet durable structure, this can be placed on tables or arounds aisles and alters in the backdrop.
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